Venerable Vasetta, our Resident Monk at the London Mogok Yeiktha in the
year 2004 had made this recording about the 32 kinds of tissues and organs of
the human body according to the Buddhist Texts.
The late Taung pu lu Kaba-Aye Sayadaw of Myanmar regarded this meditation
method as one of the most eminent among all Satipatthanas.
Pali Anatomical Terms:
Kesa=Head hair, |
Loma=Body hair, |
Nakkha=Nails, |
Danta=Teeth, |
Taco=Skin, |
Masam=Flesh, |
Naharu=Sinews, |
Atthi=Bones, |
Atthiminjam=Bone Marrow, |
Vakkam=Kidneys, |
Hadayam=Heart, |
Yakanam=Liver, |
Kilomakam=Diaphragm, |
Pihakam=Spleen, |
Papphasam=Lungs, |
Antam=Large Intestine, |
Antagunum=Small Intestine, |
Udariam=Stomach, |
Kerisam=Feces, |
Mattagunum=Brain, |
Pittam=Bile, |
Semhan=Phlegm, |
Pubbo=Pus, |
Lohitam=Blood, |
Sedo=Sweat, |
Medo=Fat, |
Assu=Tears, |
Vasa=Grease, |
Kelo=Saliva, |
Singhanika=Mucus, |
Lasika=Oil of Joints, |
Muttam=Urine |